Official Doctrine - November 2014

The Doctrine2014 is the document that defines the management structure and overall direction of the Tovarishch Bulletin, as well as many of the processes and procedures that should be followed for complaints, recruitment, area offices, and other situations.

This version of the Doctrine was ratified by the staff of the Tovarishch Bulletin at the General Meeting on Monday the 24th of November, 2014.

November 2014 General Meeting

A General Meeting was held on November 24th, 2014 to ratify the Official Doctrine. Several changes were made, and the original document, meeting agenda, and minutes are available below.

No changes to appendices were made.

Main Points

Note that for full detail you should read the document itself.

Area Offices

Instead of a centralised Distribution Department, there is now an area office for each area served by the Bulletin. These offices have total responsibility for printing, distribution, and marketing in their local area. The following area offices were created:

  • The Upper Hutt Area Office has responsibility for printing, distribution, and marketing in the Upper Hutt City area (especially Upper Hutt College).
  • The Wellington Area Office has responsibility for recruitment and management in the Wellington City area, with a focus on attempting to gain a foothold in the Wellington City market.

As you can probably tell, the Bulletin is planning to expand into Wellington.

Finance Office

The Finance Office was created to manage fundraising, revenue and expenditure.

Marketing Office & Competitions Office

The Marketing Office was split into the Marketing Office and the Competitions Office. This was decided at the General Meeting.


To increase the quality of content, it was decided to create Correspondent positions. These people will be writing for a particular part of the Bulletin. The following Correspondent positions were created:

  • Middle East
  • Health
  • Russia
  • China
  • Koreas
  • Science
  • Technology
  • History
  • Arts/Music
  • With options on more if required.

Subscriptions Framework

A framework was created that allows Area Offices to monetise the Bulletin. It introduces standards for subscription processes, fee schedules, and advertising content.

At the General Meeting, it was decided that the Bulletin in Upper Hutt would remain free indefinitely.

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